Leybold TURBOLAB 90i, ISO 63 K Inlet Flange, 90 liters/sec Pumping Speed, Ultimate Pressure of 6x10-8 Torr, DIVAC 3.0 Backing Pump, 1-Phase 110/230 VAC, KF-16 Exhaust Flange, Leybold PN 501592V00001000.
Product: Leybold TURBOLAB 90i, ISO 63 K Inlet Flange, 90 liters/sec Pumping Speed, Ultimate Pressure of 6x10-8 Torr, DIVAC 3.0 Backing Pump, 1-Phase 110/230 VAC, KF-16 Exhaust Flange, Leybold PN 501592V00001000.
Condition:      New
Warranty:     Leybold Warranty
Part Number: P1013222
Sale Price: $9,195.00       Regular Price: $12,260.00