Alcatel Adixen LNT-25 P1 Liquid Nitrogen Inlet Vacuum Pump Trap, 0.5 Liter LN2 Capacity, 786346
Alcatel Adixen LNT-25 P1 Liquid Nitrogen Inlet Vacuum Pump Trap, 0.5 Liter LN2 Capacity (Alcatel Part Number 786346)

The Alcate Adixen LNT-25 P1 trap condense at the pump inlet all gases whose critical condensation temperature is above -196C (77K). They can be used either to protect the pump against condensable vapor introduction or to prevent backstreaming of oil vapors at the pump inlet when an absolutely clean vacuum is desired.

Fits Rotary Vane Pumps:
Alcatel Adixen
2005, 2010I, 2015I, 2020I, 2004A, 2008A, 2012A, 2020A, 2005SD, 2010SD, 2015SD, 2021SD, 1005SD, 1010SD, 1015SD, 1021SD and other KF25 outlet pumps.

Common Dimensions & Specifications:
Body: Glass
Flanges: Aluminum
Weight: 2.2 lbs
Dimensions: Height 292 x 130 mm.
Exhaust & Inlet: KF-25 ISO NW-25
Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Capacity: 0.5 Liters
Fill Interval: 5 Hrs
Alcatel Part Number: 786346
Product: Alcatel Adixen LNT-25 P1 Liquid Nitrogen Inlet Vacuum Pump Trap, 0.5 Liter LN2 Capacity, 786346
Condition:      New
Warranty:     Against Product Defect
Part Number: P102708
Price: $1,716.32